The world is going crazy

Posted by Koax

It's been a very long time since I have written something, this post and potentially others in the future are mostly for myself to document some of crazy abuse of the general population going around. It's been a little over a week since President Trump was sworn in, and the disinformation and generally childish whining has gone far beyond what was displayed during the election. It's clear the establishment is still extremely sour about not getting their candidate in and is doing everything it can discredit the administration with, at best, ludicrous interpretations statements etc., and rile up the blind followers to do silly things while they sit back talk about how horrible it must be; pretty much the same plan as during the election, something something about doing the same thing... The truth of the situation is that people are living in two different realities, the same information is presented, and different conclusions are drawn, and the clear lack of morality when in comes to disagreements with the administration; arguably cognitive dissonance at work. I am also amazed by the ability of people who seem to have issues with with the administration can link anything, no matter how insignificant, in a negative way back to the administration. Fits well with that meme; how do you know someone doesn't like Donald Trump, don't worry, they will tell you.

Going off track for a bit, those who know me, know that I'm not much of a reader, but a few years ago I did listen to a few audio books, one of which being Atlas Shrugged, which I consider to have significantly changed my entire world view. I see some parallels from the book the crap going on today; no spoilers though, it's a tough read but worth it. The book critiques socialism and notes how people get forced into supporting socialist programs. Enough about the book, I may mention stuff later that links back, on to stuff.

First to #J20, the first major protest during the inauguration. This was pretty big but also pretty much ignored as it went on during the ceremony and was somewhat violent with tear gas being deployed, fighting and looting. Typical riot stuff, no real message other than they hate Donald Trump; maybe it was more of a party that turned into a riot. What was definitely not covered in media were the other incidents at a few events, someone was shot at a speech Milo Yiannopoulos was doing, Milo and his supporters had to be snuck out through a back door from the same event and other small incidents outside Deploraball and other celebratory parties across the country. Surprisingly people were actually arrested and are likely to face jail time, this was very different from the almost untouchable protesters during the election.

J21, the Women's march. A lot of women showed up and for some reason some men. That's great a lot of women showed up to march about something. Similar to J20, there wasn't much of a message other than "Fuck Donald Trump" and something about vagina power, reminded me of the rage comic about what women want. Scott Adams also did a great blog post about the march from a persuasion angle and the weakness of the chosen color. There were some fights and some arrests like for J20 but not nearly as many. Madonna did get on a mic and say she thought about assassinating the president, I still can't understand why that's something anyone would ever want to say in a public forum, but the pure hatred in how she said it what bothered me, and the subsequent support of similar people of the statement is also disturbing. Fortunately she is being investigated by the Secret Service. Maybe the blind followers will wake up and see maybe there are consequences to your actions, but I won't hold my breath.

Oh on to Executive actions, the main reason for this post. First, the fake one that spread around and disappeared as fast as it came up, something about Trump making FHA loans cost more, turns out the Department of Housing and Urban Development actually announced it on January 9 to take effect on January 20 [pdf], probably one of the many time bombs set up to help discredit the new administration. Again the Trump Administration had nothing to with it, but the blame was focused there.

All of the real actions are openly documented on the White House and Federal Register websites pretty quickly and the are significantly easier to read, as they are shorter and less complex, than what come out of the previous administration. Meaning you too can actually read these and know what is happening, instead of believing the mass hysteria. It should also be noted that it is being relayed that President Trump is doing a lot of things through Executive Order, but this isn't true. As of today, there are 5 Executive Orders and 10 Executive Memoranda; the main difference being that Executive Orders can only be overturned by another Executive Order. Most of these are orders to expedite decisions using normal channels or enforce existing laws and from what I have read are pretty far from sounding like a dictator, but again different realities.

Now the first real executive action, the Executive Order titled "Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal", this should be seen as a positive action as it sets up agencies to grant waivers on fees and restrictions as the ugly truth behind the costs of the Affordable Care Act come into effect soon. This didn't get a lot of coverage in the media and it likely won't have any real effect on people immediately as the 2016 tax year is over. Why is the tax year important? The ACA modifies the tax code so they government use existing IRS powers to make sure you pay up, the IRS isn't afraid to use those guns they have for intimidation.

Next are a few Memoranda to combat time bombs (1 & 2), freeze federal hiring with the goal of assisting in a reduction the size of government, withdrawing from the TPP finally. All of these are arguable good for slowing down some of the potential waste and maintaining sovereignty; but of course there are people finding reasons to hate. The backlash on withdrawing from TTP is mind boggling, there were demands for the Obama administration to withdraw from the negotiations, as there are no public documents to review, but they were ignored; now that the Trump administration actually did withdraw there is the internal conflict people have since it's cool to hate Trump. There is also the memorandum regarding the Mexico City policy, but I'll return to that later.

About the Keystone XL & Dakota Access Pipelines, two memoranda which ask the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to evaluate the proposals and come to a decision as soon as possible. Again the Obama administration could have done something similar to expedite a decision, but it's better optics to have protestors out there and do nothing while talking about how awful it is. It should be mentioned that these pipelines directly compete with the transportation of oil by rail, much of it runs on Berkshire Hathaway rail and trains, which is owned by the big Democratic donor Warren Buffet. Hmm I wonder why there was standstill.

Flint's water "crisis" came up again as the investigation was closed. I don't want to stay on this too long as it's really just silly. The EPA has know about it since some time in 2014 and did nothing, was in the news in 2016 for a while and nothing was done other than the Obama administration coming out and say it's terrible. The Flint water issue was the result of intentional actions of the local government, but no one really cares as the consensus is that Flint is a shithole of crime and poverty. Now the investigation is closed, which is fine, it's not like the situation there is a secret. If the investigation was quietly closed under the Obama administration, I wonder what the out rage would be like...

1984 is kind of hot again, with people trying to create parallels with the Trump administration and INGSOC. This is probably the media doing a sales job and installing more fear. I listened to the 1984 audio book a few years ago and I feel I understood the book beyond the basic memes of 2+2=5 etc. and I don't see any similarities at all. 1984 describes a world of total government control through several pillars, which most of which aligned with the ministries and the idea of a god-like leader:

  1. The Ministry of Peace ensured perpetual war against enemy states.
  2. The Ministry of Plenty ensured the restriction of resources being distributed through socialist system to keep the people dependent on the government.
  3. the Ministry of Truth ensured information control by distributing news on the telescreen and newspapers, and the rewriting of history in books.
  4. the Ministry of Love that ensured continuous support for INGSOC by spreading fear of informers and beating dissenters into compliance.
  5. The perpetual leader Big Brother, faceless but omnipresent creates a super power for the people to look up to and fear.
  6. The concept of newspeak to degrade complexity and change the meaning of language
  7. The indoctrination of children with INGSOC school programs teaching newspeak among other things that the adults do not understand and rewarding children for informing the government about and dissenting adults.

I saw more of this in it's infancy in the past 10+ years with the globalist movement, the state of education lately and the EU's battle against sovereignty of members; I get the feeling some people see it too. Brexit and election of President Trump are pretty clear signs that the people have a clue and this democracy thing is getting in the way of the globalist agenda.

The Mexico City Policy Executive Memorandum/114 Congress H.R.7, colloquially known as the recent abortion issue. Read the documents, they are really short. No it doesn't make abortion illegal, no it's not taking any women's rights away with regards to abortions, that's all bullshit to make people angry. What is in there is the re-enforcement of the Mexico City Policy domestically, which basically states that federal money cannot be spent on abortions. This was, and still is, in effect for international aid programs, this memorandum and resulting bill are to enforce this domestically. So what does that mean? Women can't get abortions through government subsidized insurance programs. So the problem is it would have to paid for instead of just "free". Non-issue in my book and overblown.

The immigration ban, this one is a little complicated, and I can't find the order even stating this, there are a few about other immigration stuff(1,2,3), but that isn't stopping people from talking about it. My understanding of happened is the DHS issued a 6 month travel ban for people who are residents of 7 countries as well as a stay on issuing visas in those countries. There is no ban on Muslims from entering, the ban is not permanent and it's definitely not the first time there has been a travel ban from the middle east. Stefan Molyneux's video on this covers it pretty well, including the some of the similar stuff the Obama administration did, though it does get a ranty in the second half. Scott Adams talks about this in a blog post from a different interesting angle and how it will affect the future of the administration. As someone who has dealt with DHS, there's a lot they can freely do to block or deny entry to the US and State controls the issuing of visas, who pretty much do whatever they want to not issue visas in certain countries. Quick edit: President Trump's statement.

This post was very long and probably missing a few things, and things I'm not happy about, but it's been awhile since I've written and it was good to do. I also wanted this to be done before the next thing that comes up on Monday. President Trump has been very busy in the first week so I don't expect week 2 to be much less eventful.

Great resources:

  1. No Agenda
  2. Stefan Molyneux
  3. Scott Adams
  4. Mike Cernovich
  5. Not my favorite but also InfoWars

<3 @Clothie
