Posted by Koax

It's been a very long time since I have written something, this post and potentially others in the future are mostly for myself to document some of crazy abuse of the general population going around. It's been a little over a week since President Trump was sworn in, and the disinformation and generally childish whining has gone far beyond what was displayed during the election.


Net Neutrality is BS

02 Dec 2014
Posted by Koax

So this is flaring up again and everyone seems to be all in on having the government getting involved with the internet. There are plenty of reasons why it has never been so and never should be, but I will get to that later, first there needs to be some established history and clearing up facts about the internet functionality. Unfortunately this will be long.


Starting Fresh

12 Jul 2014
Posted by Koax

Starting over, maybe less depressing this time.

